The law firm of SmolenPlevy has provided legal counsel to individuals facing child support issues in Virginia for more than 40 years. Here is a brief overview of how family law attorneys Alan Plevy and Kathryn Dickerson can assist you.

What to Expect

In contested cases, child support is determined in two phases:

  • In the first phase, child support can be obtained on an emergency or temporary basis.
  • This stands until the second phase, in which a court has the opportunity to rule on custody and all other factors that go into determining an appropriate support award.
  • Child support may also be agreed upon by the parties.

Our Approach

We diligently assist our clients in ensuring that all factors that affect child support are presented in order to get the most favorable outcome.

Next Steps

Our child support attorneys, Alan Plevy and Kathryn Dickerson have years of experience dealing with these matters. We also recognize that child support may be an urgent issue for you to resolve, so we encourage you to schedule a consultation as soon as possible.

Your Family Law Attorneys